by Barb Howard
In this psychological thriller, the lives of two women are disrupted when Bonnie, an unusual girl from high school, moves to their small winter town after her husband’s death. But as Bonnie tries to fit in, they learn her sudden appearance isn't what it seems.
About the author
Barb Howard is a former Author in Residence for the Calgary Public Library. Her short story collection Western Taxidermy (NeWest Press) won the Canadian Authors’ Association Exporting Alberta Award and was a finalist at the international High Plains Book Awards. Her work has been shortlisted several times for Alberta Literary Awards and she won the 2009 Howard O’Hagan Award for Short Story. Barb’s novel Happy Sands is forthcoming from University of Calgary Press. Her previous novels include Notes For Monday (Recliner Books), Whipstock (NeWest Press) and The Dewpoint Show (Fitzhenry & Whiteside). She is co-editor of the nonfiction anthology Embedded on the Home Front: Where Military and Civilian Lives Converge (Heritage House).
Barb has a BA in Canadian Literature from UBC, a law degree from Dalhousie and an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Calgary. Visit www.barbhoward.ca
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Language : English
Paperback : 26 pages
ISBN-10 : 1990201083
ISBN-13 : 978-1990201080
Item Weight : 1.45 ounces
Dimensions : 5.5 x 0.05 x 8.5 inches