by Seth Rasporich
First heard over a headset, a nineteen-year-old Canadian meets Tacoshop22rl, an American teenager in San Diego. Together, they spend years sharing stories of heartbreaks and career failures - all while playing video games. Until one day, news of a motorcycle accident changes their lives forever.
About the author
Seth Rasporich is a Canadian student in what feels to be his one thousandth year of University, never completing a full degree. He has dropped out of nearly every major university in Alberta. He has worked as a sculptor and painter for film, but mostly as a barista for the loneliest of mall shoppers. His work ranges from creative non-fiction to screenplays which he swallows whole before completion.
All prices in GBP (£)
Language : English
Paperback : 24 pages
ISBN-13 : 978-1-990201-13-4
Dimensions : 5.5 x 0.05 x 8.5 inches